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Hºö ÀιßÄÚÆÃÀç´Â È븷ÀÌ °¡½Ã¼³ Åä·ùº® CIP°ø¹ý((Cast In Concrete Pile) SCW°ø¹ý(½îÀϽøàÆ®°ø¹ý) ȤÀº ÇöÀ埼³ ÄÜÅ©¸®Æ®¸»¶Ò °ø¹ý µîÀÇ ¿¬¼Óº® °ø¹ýÀ» ½Ã°øÇÒ °æ¿ì »ç¿ëµÇ¾îÁö´Â HºöÀ» ÀιßÇÏ¿© ȸ¼öÇϴµ¥ »ç¿ëµÇ¾îÁö´Â ÀιßÄÚÆÃÀçÀÌ´Ù.
(The H beam extraction coating agent is the one used toextract and collect the H beam which has been used in the case of constructing continuous wall method such as the sheeting temporary facility retaining wall CIP method (Cast In Concrete Pile), SCW method (soil cement method), or cast-in-place concrete pile method etc)